Vision & Stratégie

"Penser globale, agir national", telle est la ligne conductrice qui portera toute la politique et les actions de l’Université.


Formations & Métiers

L’employabilité de nos étudiants devient nos préoccupations. Les offres de formation sont accréditées aux besoins de la société.


Recherche & Développement

Les Écoles Doctorales et les laboratoires encadrent des doctorants et de chercheurs aptes à la création d’emploi



The opening of the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the existence of the National Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTS) was held on September 9, 2022. The INTS is an initiative of Professor Raoelina Andriambololona. The results of the research work of the Institute were also presented to the public during this ceremony. The INTS is at the service of several fields such as health, the energy sector, the environment, climate change, water potability, etc.

Due to global warming, the average temperature in Madagascar is rising by 0.2°C per decade, the water table is gradually being consumed, and water is becoming an increasingly precious resource and is becoming saltier. Nanotechnology is also used in the medicinal field as a barrier against the proliferation of cancer cells. There is also a nuclear solution for solving power shortages. INTS researchers have also given a series of lectures at the Malagasy Academy. It is mainly foreigners who recognise the competence of these Malagasy researchers, which is a pity


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