Vision & Stratégie

"Penser globale, agir national", telle est la ligne conductrice qui portera toute la politique et les actions de l’Université.


Formations & Métiers

L’employabilité de nos étudiants devient nos préoccupations. Les offres de formation sont accréditées aux besoins de la société.


Recherche & Développement

Les Écoles Doctorales et les laboratoires encadrent des doctorants et de chercheurs aptes à la création d’emploi



Name of the mention

Major in Computer Science and Technology

Institution of affiliation

Faculty of Sciences, University of Antananarivo

Website address of the laboratory

Name of the person in charge of the mention

e-mail :
Tél : 234 72 418 26

 Application areas

Computer science, Statistics, ICT

               OFFER OF TRAININGS




IT and technology

L1 – L2 (S1 to S4)

BERNARDIN Hagamalala Santatra
mail :

Course objectives :   This course, with an academic focus, aims to strengthen the basic computer science and mathematics skills required for more advanced studies in computer science.

How to access :  - Selection on file
 - Open to students with a baccalaureate (C or S series)

Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

L3 (S5- S6)

RAMANANA Hasinarivo
mail :

Course objectives  :
This course, with an academic vocation, offers both fundamental teaching units as well as contents opening to a more immediate professionalization (computer systems, web, databases, object-oriented programming and design, networks, development projects). At the end of this program, students can either enter the professional world directly or continue their studies in the two master’s programs :
-Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
- Innovation and Technology

Access modality :
Open to students who have validated the L2 of the computer science course of the MIT mention


Job opportunities :
The holder of the MISA License will be able to succeed in an immediate professional insertion as a high level technician in computer science or statistics as :
- Web or mobile application developer
- Network and System Administrator
- Database specialist
- Multimedia designer
- Specialist in statistical data analysis.

Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Master (M1 : S7-S8 ; M2 : S9-S12)

mail :
 +26134 11 625 96


Course objectives : 
The MISA Master’s program is resolutely oriented towards data engineering : from data collection to statistical exploitation and machine learning, including the storage and management of massive and distributed databases such as Big Data.
It allows students to acquire a dual competence in statistics and business intelligence, complemented by knowledge of the company and professional practice acquired through several internships. This dual skill set, which is still insufficient at present, is highly appreciated on the job market.

Admission requirements :  - selection based on application + interview with the training team
 - Open to students with a MISA or computer science degree from a public institution.

Job opportunities :
- Senior executive in the various sectors involved in the field of new information and communication technology
- Head of a company in the field of information technology
- IT project manager.
- Specialist in cyber security
- Data-scientist
- Expert statistician
- Expert in Artificial Intelligence
- Business Intelligence Analyst
- Data Warehouse Administrator
- Research teacher
- Cloud Computing Specialist

Innovation and Technology

Master (M1 : S7-S8 ; M2 : S9-S12)

mail :                +26134 16 819 88


Course objectives :
The objective of this course is to train executive computer scientists specialized in the design, development, and evaluation of embedded and connected computer systems, and the underlying hardware and software infrastructures. Such systems include ambient, mobile, embedded, distributed and real-time systems, network and cloud infrastructures, hardware architectures of connected or embedded devices, or IoT applications.

Admission procedure :
- selection on file + interview with the training team 
- Open to students with a MISA or computer science degree from a public institution.

Job opportunities :
- Senior executive in the various sectors involved in the field of new information and communication technology
- Designer of autonomous, mobile and embedded computer products
- Computer consultant
- Research and development engineer in decision support and operational research
- Expert in research and technological innovation

Registration :
- in the doctoral school "Mathematics and Applications
- or in a foreign university (University of Toulouse III - Institute of Computer Science Research of Toulouse)





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