"Penser globale, agir national", telle est la ligne conductrice qui portera toute la politique et les actions de l’Université.
L’employabilité de nos étudiants devient nos préoccupations. Les offres de formation sont accréditées aux besoins de la société.
Les Écoles Doctorales et les laboratoires encadrent des doctorants et de chercheurs aptes à la création d’emploi
Madagascar has many resources, particularly human, material, informational, temporal and mostly natural. After many attempts at colloquia and seminars, journalists are still wondering about the impact of research results from doctoral schools on development. The recommendations are certainly included in the solutions proposed by these researchers. But the change is not effective.
With a view to solving development problems, the Doctoral School of Natural Resource Management and Development organised a colloquium from 18 October to 21 October 2022 to share the research results of doctoral students, supervised by eminent professors. Particular attention has been paid to the presence of the private sector and the farmers’ association to discuss the application of research to development.
According to Professor Bruno Ramamonjisoa, administrators and scientists do not get along well because of culture and hierarchy, which tends to create a pit. The researchers’ thoughts led to providing knowledge to managers rather than attracting knowledge to managers. As the writing culture is not yet rooted in the Malagasy spirit, a necessary medium for communication, evaluation and capitalization is oral.
Organised by the University of Antananarivo and hosted by the Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques, the Doctoral School "Management of Natural Resources and Development" aims to solve the problems of natural resource management for sustainable development, with the specific objectives of
Sustainable development is not just about the environment, as it is on a global scale. The sustainability of development also begins with the design of a development model adapted to each country, especially those of the South. For this reason, the development recommended by the Graduate School also and mainly concerns the economic and social aspects of development.
Choisir une formation qui vous convient, c'est penser déjà à votre carrière envisagé. Notre module d'orientation vous expose un test d'orientation, une liste de 1100 métiers, et une liste de 250 formations
Le personnel enseignant, administratif et technique est disponible pour vous offrir les meilleurs conseils d'orientation
Le savoir est offert par l'Université. Le savoir faire s'acquiert par l'expérience. Le savoir être dépend de votre personnalité.