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This initiative was initiated by Dr Kitaoka Schinichi, former President of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) and Special Advisor to the President of JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). The program aims to share Japan’s modernization experience with future leaders of partner countries. The program is implemented in Madagascar in collaboration with the University of Antananarivo.

To continue the collaboration between JICA and the University of Antananarivo and JICA’s support to the development of the education sector in Madagascar, an extraordinary session was held on 26 August 2022 in the form of a workshop of Education Experts in Madagascar. The session’s theme was "Educational Development during Japan’s Modernization - A Good Example for Madagascar" and was chaired by Dr Kayashima, JICA’s Senior Advisor for Peace and development.

As a former JICA Vice President for Africa and an expert in educational cooperation, Dr Kayashima has grasped the structure of education development amid Japan’s modernization and the characteristics of primary education in modern Japan. Dr Kayashima held the structure of educational development amid Japan’s modernization and the characteristics of primary education in modern Japan. She presented and exchanged the participants on the problems and challenges of the education system in Madagascar.

The main objectives of this workshop were to share the evolution of educational development in the modernization of Japan and the characteristics and challenges of basic education in modern Japan. In addition, it provided an opportunity to outline the avenues for educational development in Madagascar, discuss various issues in the Malagasy education sector (teacher policy, the language of instruction, improving learning outcomes, etc.), and finally exchange on the challenges to improving the quality of and access to education in Madagascar (improving the teacher training system, curriculum, etc.).

Participants in the session included representatives of professors from the University of Antananarivo, the Ministry of Education, and former trainees from JICA Madagascar in the area of education. 


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