"Penser globale, agir national", telle est la ligne conductrice qui portera toute la politique et les actions de l’Université.
L’employabilité de nos étudiants devient nos préoccupations. Les offres de formation sont accréditées aux besoins de la société.
Les Écoles Doctorales et les laboratoires encadrent des doctorants et de chercheurs aptes à la création d’emploi
The Tany Vao Madagascar Summer University in Social Sciences aims to provide high-level research training and to meet the strong needs in terms of supervision, methods and networking of doctoral students and young researchers in Madagascar and the Indian Ocean. It also aims to promote the connection between scientific research and the non-academic world by allowing the former to feed the public debate and help in policy-making.
More broadly, Tany Vao aims to strengthen research and analysis capacities in Africa. This training is repeated each year with a new theme, alternating one year in Madagascar (Indian Ocean coverage) and one year in continental Africa. Thus, this fifth edition of Tany Vao follows on from the 2021 relay edition in Tuléar (organized in a tighter, semi-presidential format) and in the continuity of the Tany Vao Côte d’Ivoire social science university in July 2019, as well as two previous editions of Tany Vao Madagascar, which took place in 2016 in Antsirabe, and in 2018 in Tamatave¹.
The theme of Tany Vao 2022 takes up and deepens that of 2021 on "Environment and Societies", in the context of promoting development based on shared and sustainable management of the environment. Tany Vao 2022 will start in Ankatso on Monday 24 October with a day and a half of plenary conferences, followed by a round table. The training will continue in the form of methodological workshops in Tuléar from 28 October to 2 November.
Tany Vao 2022 is the result of a close and long-standing partnership between the University of Antananarivo, the University of Toliara, the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and Dinika sy Ainga, a training and support structure for issues in the south of the Island. It relies on multiple collaborations and contributions from various institutions, including the AFD, which has supported this training since its inception, the French Embassy in Madagascar, Global Africa, the CNRS, Western University and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC-CRSH), and various French universities (University of Paris 1, University of Lille, University of Paris-Dauphine).
The originality of Tany Vao lies in its ambitious multidisciplinary approach, which combines the contributions of different methodological approaches in social sciences around a central theme. Tany Vao 2022 will thus bring together 100 selected participants and some twenty trainers from different disciplinary backgrounds (economics, statistics, socio-anthropology, history, ecology, linguistics, geography, agronomy, political science, etc.). The participants are mainly academics (doctoral and masters students in priority, then doctors and young researchers), but also professionals wishing to deepen their knowledge of social science methods. They will be divided into four thematic workshops that closely combine theory and practice, by involving participants in mini-projects on which they will work intensively for five days with the support of supervisors/trainers. The four workshops are :
Workshop 1 : Environment, Socio-Economic Development and the SDGs : An entry through the data of the Makay Rural Observatory
Workshop 2 : Evaluations and Protected Areas
Workshop 3 : Ethnoecology in interdisciplinarity to address Nature - Society interactions
Atelier 4 : Approches anthropologiques et historiques des relations hommes/environnement
¹See the site https://dial.ird.fr/ecoles/ ou https://tanyvao.hypotheses.org/ ;
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