Vision & Stratégie

"Penser globale, agir national", telle est la ligne conductrice qui portera toute la politique et les actions de l’Université.


Formations & Métiers

L’employabilité de nos étudiants devient nos préoccupations. Les offres de formation sont accréditées aux besoins de la société.


Recherche & Développement

Les Écoles Doctorales et les laboratoires encadrent des doctorants et de chercheurs aptes à la création d’emploi


Benefit from the module
about Career Guidance and Training

Choosing a training that suits you means already thinking about your planned career. Our orientation module exposes you to an orientation test, a list of 1100 jobs, and a list of 250 training courses

Dig to learn

The Francophone Employability Center located in Ankaditapaka in collaboration with the University is available to offer you the best orientation advice


The knowledge is offered by the University. Know-how is acquired through experience. Knowing how to be depends on your personality. Evaluate your profile thanks to our orientation test.

Find a training course

Search a job file

Etre diplômé, c’est une assurance pour trouver un métier. C’est le savoir. En plus, l’experience professionnelle, le savoir être, et le savoir faire sont des atouts.

Il semble difficile de décrocher un emploi quand on est nouveau diplômé. Comment devenir efficace en recherchant et décrochant un emploi ?

Testez votre profil
avec un questionnaire en ligne
pour prédire votre futur métier

Après votre réponse à une série de questions en 10 minutes, vous pouvez vraiment identifier votre profil. Le test vous révèlera si vous êtes réaliste, investigateur, artiste, social, entrepreneur, conventionnel. Il permettra aussi de prédire les formations et les métiers qui vous sont adaptés.

Découvrir la fiche

jeudi 19 janvier 2023

Mention Communication-Mediation-Media-Organization has just opened its Resource and Documentation Center for Human Rights Communication

Partnership UNESCO - PBF - Faculty of Humanities of the University of Antananarivo


jeudi 15 décembre 2022

The Doctoriales 2022 - "Research and Innovation at the Heart of Development" is the theme for its eighth edition

An international opening of the University of Antananarivo with the participation of about thirty PhD students in competition


vendredi 9 décembre 2022

Meeting the population : a basis for teaching communication at the University of Antananarivo

The campus, Antananarivo’s neighbourhoods and the village : the first three days of a communication student’s training


vendredi 25 novembre 2022

The Mendrika class graduated in Master’s and the Mahery class graduated in Bachelor of Science in Tourism

Madagascar is among the TOP 10 most popular countries for tourism. Young graduates are in great demand.


mercredi 16 novembre 2022

Graduation of the "Vona" class of the Mention Etudes Malgaches - Faculty of Letters and Sciences

Graduation ceremony for the students of the Malagasy Studies program on Friday, October 28, 2022 at Grand AMPHI EGS Ankatso


mercredi 16 novembre 2022

PEER : Partnership for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER), for the protection of precious woods

A partnership between USAID and three countries including Madagascar through Dr Bako Harisoa Ravaomanalina for the identification and conservation of precious woods


mercredi 16 novembre 2022

Graduation ceremony for the Filamatra promotion of the Economics Degree of the Faculty of Economics-Management-Sociology (EGS) on 11 November 2022

Economics tends to study how a country’s resources are used to meet the needs of its citizens


Smart Campus University
of Ambohitsaina

Educational platform that provides access to course resources, homework, workshops and discussion forums

Help for teachers

UVA allows the distribution of educational materials in various formats whether for reading or the deposit of files: pdf, word, video, MP3... It allows interaction with its students (forum, workshop, chat), as well as their evaluations (exercises, quizzes, multiple choice questions, etc.))

Help for students

UVA makes obtaining course materials easier. In addition, it contains many types of exercises. It allows interaction with peers through tools such as forums and chats. The connection cost is reduced on the campus wifi network

Connect to the plateform

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